Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Persuasive Definitions

This kind of definition is used to create a positive or negative attitude toward what is stated by the definiendum. The way it does this is by attaching emotionally inclined meaning to a word to make it seem like the word really means this in the language its being used. Persuasive definitions are like the love child of the previous definitions, stipulant and lexical. This is because it can coin a new meaning for an old word(stipulative) and use it in a certain context to mean something else(Precising). A persuasive definitions main purpose is to influence the attitudes and beliefs of those reading them. These definitions can be judged true or false, but are not judged because when using persuasive definitions all that matters is its effectiveness. Some examples of persuasive definitions, one being negative the other positive, are:
1. "Abortion" means the ruthless murdering of innocent human beings.
2. "Liberal" means a genuine humanitarian commited to the goals of adequate housing and health care and of equal opportunity for all our citizens.

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