Monday, November 5, 2007

Stipulative Definitions

This kind of definition gives meaning to a word for the first time, either by creating a new word or giving a new meaning to an old word. A well known example is the word gay, which in the past meant happy, but now has been used to define homosexuals. An example of creating a new word can be seen at zoo's when they tried to name the offspring of a tiger and a lion. Since this kind of combonation could almost never happen in the wild, the zoo keeper never had to come up with a name for the offspring before. They decided to name the male offsprings ligers and the female ones tigons.

1 comment:

pascalitadych said...

Harrah's Atlantic City Hotel & Casino to reopen on June 22
Harrah's Resort Atlantic 태백 출장안마 City Hotel & Casino is 군포 출장안마 going to reopen 양주 출장샵 on June 22 for the first time since the 삼척 출장마사지 coronavirus 광주광역 출장안마 pandemic.