Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Precising Definitions

These definitions are used to try and decrease the ambiguity of a word. Precising definitions attempt to clear an expressions vagueness, which means that it isnt clearly or explicitly stated. Words such as rich and poor are conisdered vague because they dont really express a clear and definite meaning. However when put into the right context for example, if we say that the definition of "poor" is anybody making less than 4,000 dollars a year and is worth less than 20,000 dollars, then anybody could pinpoint what we mean by being poor in that context. Another example of precising definitions is by taking the lexical definition of a word, but using it towards a different discipline such as logic. An example would be the word formal, which in lexical terms could mean being dressed nicely or meeting the usual requirements. However in logic, formal means reasoning from known premises or premises prevoiusly assumed to be true, to the conclusion. Precising definitions differ from stipulative definitions because stipulative definitions are based solely on individual will or discretion. While precising definitions are subject to a great deal of rationality because it must ensure that the definition is correct for the context it is being used in.

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